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Most Famous American Birthdays in January 12

Here is a list of some of the most famous American people born in January 12. Before that let us check some other interesting facts of this date.

  • Those born in January are very friendly.
  • They are smart too but at the same time they are stubborn.
  • They are loyal but an extremist.
  • They are independent and progessive.
  • Weaknesses are temperamental and uncompromising.

  • It is very easy to make out whether you love what you do, because while doing what you love, you express your complete talent in it.
  • The level of energy in you is so high that you will be the life of the party.
  • You are a person who gets confused about the priorities in life.
  • You need to manage and prioritize things in life according to the importance of each rather than wasting time on minor issues.
  • The witty personality in you takes advantage of any given situation and will be content easily.

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