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Most Famous Birthdays in 30th January

Here is a list of most famous people born in 30th January. Before that let us check the characteristics, specialities & other interesting facts about January 30 birthday people.

  • Those born in January are very friendly.
  • They are smart too but at the same time they are stubborn.
  • They are loyal but an extremist.
  • They are independent and progessive.
  • Weaknesses are temperamental and uncompromising.

  • You always a great sense of art in you.
  • In each touch of yours, like the King Midas, your touch makes the thing decorative and beautiful.
  • Be it a dress, your house, plants or anything, you have so much of artistic magic in you.
  • Focus on the talent you have and build and encourage it rather than spending time in social networks.
  • You lack that determination and focus which you need to possess in order to be successful.

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