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Most Famous Birthdays in 13th October

Here is a list of most famous people born in 13th October. Before that let us check the characteristics, specialities & other interesting facts about October 13 birthday people.
October 13 Specialty : 'International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction'

  • October borns tend to be very diplomatic and gracious.
  • But they are self-pitying people and tend to carry hatred in mind.
  • They are kind and polite but very tenacious.
  • Even though very jovial, they are secretive.
  • Inviting hostitities are their habit.

  • You are known for the determination and the commitment you hold for any aspect of life.
  • You always look in to the details of anything, before you start working on it.
  • You tend to be not so flexible that you are reluctant to accept new and creative ideas.
  • You have to see that you allocate time for everything and not only to work.
  • It is very difficult for you to stick on to a job as you don't exhibit the willingness and confidence in order to jump from a job to job.

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