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Most Famous Birthdays in 2nd May

Here is a list of most famous people born in 2nd May. Before that let us check the characteristics, specialities & other interesting facts about May 2 birthday people.
May 2 Specialty : 'World Tuna Day'

  • May borns are patient and practical.
  • As they are responsible, they are reliable.
  • Tend to be possessive and thus uncompromising.
  • They are devoted.
  • They are stubborn and indecisive.

  • You are aware of your surroundings and easily influenced by your environment.
  • You are aware of your surroundings and easily influenced by your environment.
  • Your understanding helps you become greatly passionate and helpless of being unhappy.
  • You might be a prey to hopelessness and being not confident.
  • You are a mind reader and have the ability to be keep up your personal relations very diplomatically.

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