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Most Famous Birthdays in 21st March

Here is a list of most famous people born in 21st March. Before that let us check the characteristics, specialities & other interesting facts about March 21 birthday people.
March 21 Specialties : 'International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination' and 'World Poetry Day' and 'International Day of Nowruz' and 'World Down Syndrome Day' and 'International Day of Forests'

  • March borns are courageous and optimistic.
  • These people are so determined and confident.
  • They so honest and passionate.
  • These people are at times moody and impatient.
  • Very impulsive people.

  • You are very ingenious, with a solid determination to be successful.
  • Your imaginings are so high and it will make you fly high.
  • You love others so passionately.
  • Likewise, the people around look up and love you so fervently because of your charming personality.
  • You can be successful in as a writer, editor, artist, sales and marketing professional etc. as you are highly talented in verbal and written skills.

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