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Dan Warner
Height | Age | Birthday | Interesting facts

Dan Warner is a famous American Actor,. His birthday was on 16th July 1965. His birth star sign (Zodiac Sign) is Cancer. Dan Warner height is about 185 cm. His born place was Los Angeles, California, USA.

Dan Warner Birthday, Height and zodiac sign

See the quick bio facts about Dan Warner

Birthday (M/D/Y)July-16-1965 View July 16 Birthdays
Birthday (iso 8601 format)1965-07-16T00:00:00-07:00
Star Sign (Zodiac Sign)Cancer
Height in cm185
Height in feet & inches6 ft 0 ins
Born PlaceLos Angeles, California, USA
Current Age in years57 years 6 months 21 days

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Who is Dan Warner?
Dan Warner is a famous American Actor,
When is the birthday of Dan Warner?
16th July 1965
Dan Warner Zodiac sign
How tall is Dan Warner?
185 cm

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